Global Day of Conscious Breathing > January 22, 2015

Wir freuen uns den Hinweis von Maya Gubler aus der Scheiz weiterzugeben:

Welt-Atem-Tag, am 22. Januar 2015

und hier die weltweite Einladung am 22. zur Mittagszeit, sich per Internet oder rein mental in das weltweite Feld des bewussten Atmens einzuklinken, „teilzuatmen“…


Location: All around the world

Dates: 22nd January 2015 : from 00:00 for 23 Hours

Location: Switzerland, Zurich, All around the world


The „Global Day of Conscious Breathing“ January 22, is a day dedicated to the Art of Conscious Breathing.

YOU are invited to participate! YOU are invited to celebrate the power of your conscious breath.

We, the International Breathwork Foundation (IBF) , invite you on January 22, 2015 at 12:00 noon, to connect by internet for 15 minutes with the Universal Breathing Room of

And if are away from the internet, just sit, close your eyes and focus your attention on your inhale and your exhale. Try this for 15 minutes, longer if you wish. Nothing to do, or think, or say, nothing to change…just pay gentle, loving attention to your breath. Are you curious about how conscious breathing can bring peace and harmony into your life? It can! It does! Conscious Breathing in its many forms is practiced around the world. Find out more…

Check with the IBF National Coordinator in your country or the IBF website or Facebook page about local events.

May your year be filled with peace and harmony, from all the IBF members across the globe.